Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kristi & Ryan

Kristi was nervous all week. (I think all brides are) However, on game day, things seem to fall in place and worries fade away, at least for Kristi. With the support of mom and the brides maids, all started off well and got better from there. Here's a pic of the bride with mom and sis tying up the dress...

Arriving at the Rose Garden for the ceremony and reception....
Ever notice how a bride and groom look everywhere but at each other during the vows. Most of the time they look at the officiant to repeat their vows. These two didn't take their eyes off each other the whole time! That's a sign of lasting love...
When the bridal party photo is almost done, these guys are ready to let loose. One way to start them off is by doing a 'crazy picture' just for the fun of it.

The first dance. Another 'sign' is the bride and groom at their first dance. You know it's true when they dance as if no one else is in the room with them. BTW, this is their private moment together before meeting and greeting all the guests, so I never interupt by asking the couple to pose for a photo.

a popular 'ring' photo ...

It's always more fun to watch the groom take the garter off than it is to catch it....


Anonymous said...

I was the maid of honor in Kristi and Ryan's wedding. Kristi is my sister and I must say her wedding was beautiful. She made a beautiful bride and Ryan a handsome groom. Stewart is an excellent photographer and he caught some shots of the wedding that will definately give my sister and Ryan a lifetime of memories.

Anonymous said...


You guys look great dawlin and these pictures or awsome I think you and Ryan are going to be together for a long time.

Love ya baby
Aunt Sue

2024 Year Review

 This was a busy year for us. Even though we are slowing down with work, not taking on new projects/jobs, wedding photography, we still have...